This means that I am no longer Principal Lecturer in Education. I'm a Reader in Education. Yay!
For those who don't know what it is, Reader is a Professorial title..one down from a full Prof.
This blog will discuss Education in the UK with a particular emphasis on the teaching of English/Literacy
Next week is 'Reading Week' in the Faculty of Education. Some of my students will be busy 'reading up' for essays and presentations which makes up their undergraduate and Post graduate life.
I'm delighted to have been asked to give, what can only be described as, a 'Key Note speech' at the University Greenwich on Writing in March as part of a conference for teachers they are organising.
I'm grateful to Prof. Guy Merchant's Blog for this site http://animoto.com/ He's going to be using it with Primary School teachers for work in the classroom. This is a superb tool for making your own slide shows and video. The site will create an exciting presentation based on the photos or video you upload. So much potential for schools.
I'm off to Bologna in Italy this weekend...not for work just pleasure. Back Monday
The main political parties continue to boast about the cuts in public spending they want to make. These cuts will of course impact on the poor.
The raising of the pension age is one that will affect everyone. The argument is that "we are all living longer" and the 'economy' just can't afford it.
It is worth questioning the notion that we are 'all' living longer. In this country alone, thousands of people every year die of heart disease, cancer and strokes. Despite wonderful advances in medicine, the tragedy of an early death in the family is still not at all uncommon. I myself have lost a number of friends and colleagues over the last ten years.
Perhaps news of a medical breakthrough that can prevent and/or cure some of these fatal illnesses would justify discussion of raising the pension age.
If the economy 'can't afford' to provide people with a long retirement, then life may only consist of toil for many. It may be the 'economy' that needs to change to ensure that hard working people have a long and comfortable retirement.