How interesting to see what happens when social class is raised in the battle for the General Election. Shocking! The most common view held by the media, the Conservative party and the LibDems is rather like the one in the clip below from David Cameron, that it's some how spiteful and petty. 'It's not where you are now that matters, but where you are going'.
According to Marx and Engels the whole of history has been the history of class struggle, but according to those I've seen, heard and read talking about it in the media its really not relevant at all. Why would the media say that...?
Am I right in thinking that The Labour Party was created to represent the working class in Parliament? Some would say that Labour MPs were put there to 'fight the corner' for the working class as the Tories and the Liberals had other sections of societys' interests at heart.
One might be able to argue that the best class fighters in Parliament have always been the Tories and that despite their leader's rhetoric their levels of class consciousness have always been very high indeed. Discuss.