Tuesday 15 February 2011

Jamie at School

Jamie was interviewed in the Observer last Sunday

On Teacher Training (Education)

“I think 'Dream School' is questioning everything about schools that we know, including whether you need traditional qualifications to be a teacher – I think we both know that’s a no. Govey could be onto to something quite profound there” (p.8)

On children and their potential

“I think there are definitely two types of student: the academic kids and the 50% who fail. It’s very clear to see – it’s a fact. We’re not doing enough for those who fail; they need a more physical, tactile approach, involving people skills, team-building, problem solving, building things…they need to able to knock out seven 18-hour days in a row – you need to know what real f****** work is…” (p.8)

Jamie has his 'finger on the Pulse' (not a cookery reference) of latest thinking from the Tory Coalition government. I expect those who must work 18 hours a day will be the poor and working class. 19th Century values are seasoning Jamie's views.

Monday 7 February 2011

Inaugural Lecture June 14th

My inaugural lecture has been set for June 14th 2011. If you would like to come do contact me. It will be great to have my friends, colleagues and students there to support me. The great fear must be an empty lecture theatre.

I'm going back the the 'day job' and will speak about children's poetry; drawing on the research I'm doing with colleagues at the moment and considering assessment and response to children's poetry by adults.

A good title is needed: 'Reading Voices: how to enjoy poetry written by children'. Perhaps that's too specific...hmm