The Primary National Strategies are going. The strategies came and were enforced by agents of the government with a ferocity never seen before. Some will say, they were responsible for many good teachers leaving the profession, as they perceived their own personalities, professionalism and knowledge being no longer valued.
The pedagogy of 'Flobbertown' (to draw on the wonderful 'Hooray for Diffendoofer Day' by Dr Seuss and Jack Preluksky), where everyone does everything the same, was its aim. Incidently, I would like to remark on what a comfort Seuss and Preluksky's book has been over the years of the strategy. The message it gave through the actions and principles of the central character of Miss Bonkers will never be forgotten by teachers and educationalists around the country. It was Eve Bearne who introduced me to this book - thanks Eve!
Does this mean a new freedom for teachers to concentrate on the local need
s of their children in learning literacy and numeracy? Well, one must not forget that freedom in a market economy has its own meaning. Drawing on the work of Stephen Ball, the privatisation of schooling and the invasion of the market into schools has already taken hold. Its continued advance is inhibited by any form of centralised and prescriptive state intervention in teaching like the strategies if schools are to compete for children in a marketised educational environment. If you are a member of the 'freedom' loving half of the Conservative Party, or follow Neo-liberal policy in education - The Primary National Strategy must die...now!
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