The Centre for Language in Education (CLPE) have published their new anthology of children's poetry from Southwark in London called Voices. It is a superb book of children's poetry writing. The poems are accompanied by Phil Polglaze's wonderful photographs of the children. You can buy it from CLPE's web site. It was good to see work from children in one school that I once taught in.
As Morag Styles comments on the back of the book, it must be bought for student teachers courses everywhere to help demonstrate the power of children's writing. It must be bought for children's libraries too - after all, it really is children's literature in the true sense isn't it?
It started me thinking about children's poetry - I mean the work written by children for children not for children by adults - Vernon Scannell and others declared that children can't write poetry, well, what does this book tell us about that view?
Thank you for highlighting this book - it sounds wonderful. I'm hoping to put together an issue of PaperTigers that will focus on young people's creativity. I should definitely seek this out. They seem particularly good in Australia at publishing young people's writing...