Monday, 28 June 2010

On My Mind

I have two Key note speeches coming up at the moment. One is at Regents Park College for the London Association of the Teachers of English (LATE) and the other is the UKLA International conference a week this Friday in Winchester.
The first is a repeat of one I gave in Cambridge a couple of years ago, but the other is on 'Literacy on the Left'. As usual, for this one, I need to decide how to approach the subject of my book in a way that will be interesting and engaging and without getting too bogged down with complex theory which it does of course all rely upon (I can't spend too much time with Bernstein).
I'm thinking of offering a political spectrum of literacy practice and then picking on some of the differences between such practice as 'critical literacy' to 'revolutionary critical literacy'. A description of the work of Chris Searle with examples of his students' work could be interesting alongside the philosophy of Freire, with his emphasis on the need for educators to 'come over' to the working class - but then a critique, perhaps based on Hatcher's work.
It would be useful to discuss left and right politics - the origins of the terms first and then perhaps to describe briefly the social democratic liberal philosophy, the 'neo-liberal' answer to education and then Marxism.
After the UKLA conference... I need to finish the book and then think about leaving my present University - moving books, papers and computer files - ready for taking up my Professorship in South East London. Oh, and I need a new car...

Wednesday, 9 June 2010


Michael Gove the new Education Minister has plans.

A test for children's ability to 'decode' at 6 years old. In his release to schools he does not use the term 'reading' to decribe what he will be testing at this age. One could argue that this is a much more accurate description of the skills he does intend to be tested.

However, a fear may be that 'decoding' is what teachers will be teaching rather than reading, as he goes on to say that teachers will be held to account to the parents and to him for any child who is unable to 'decode' to an 'adequate standard' by this age.

Monday, 7 June 2010


I Have just accepted the Chair in Education at a University in the South East of England. (I have a policy on this blog of not naming the Universities with whom I am associated - I don't really know why)

I will start in September 2010. I will be leaving my present University after 15 years.

I will of course be working with my final thesis MA students until they finish and I will be negotiating the future of my supervision of my PhD students.

Friday, 4 June 2010


Yesterday I was offered a Chair in Education at another University in the South East of England

I was interviewed last Friday for the post along with three other candidates.

More news soon...

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

'Immersion' in New Media

I'm grateful to fellow blogger Prof. Guy Merchant for posting this film on his blog. Guy feels the film is anti New Media as it depicts children's pleasure in game playing alongside sounds of violence from the games themselves. At one point a tear seems to fall from one of the child-players.

Take a look and decide for yourselves. What is actually going on here?